Friday, June 20, 2008

Can You Write A.B.C Z ?

Can You Write A.B.C Z ?

* Did you know that your ability to write is an asset that could fetch you money?

* Did you realise that you can literally earn tons of money with just your ability to read and write?

* How would you like to earn $200 per month or even more with just the ability to express yourself in writing in English?

* Do You know that you can make all this money, without spending a single dime to start off on your own ?And to make it better, do you know that you can do this without leaving your present job or endeavour? Then, if you are interested in such an opportunity, kindly give me 5 minutes, and I will show you

'How To Make Money On The Internet With Your ABC . to Z Without Spending A Single Dime or Cent to Start Up !!!'

Hi. I am Peter Omijie, C.E.O of Petopat Int'l, an Internet Income Opportunities Consulting and Training firm.

Some time ago, my e-book was listed on , the world's largest digital marketplace.I am probably the 1st and only Nigerian to have accomplished this till date .
Now, getting the book to this stage, tasking as it was, was one thing.
Making it available to the global market was another thing entirely.
It was while I was working on reaching the intended audience with the book, that I came across this great income opportunity .

What are articles?Artices are a major medium for marketers, website owners and many other internet users to advertise their products,goods and services.It is common knowledge that good or services that are not advertised cannot sell.
No matter how good a product or service is, if it is not well advertised ,it cannot sell .
As such ,all entities on the web need advertising traffic .
And one of the main ways to get traffic for whatever people do online is to write articles.
You will be surprised to learn that articles are in much demand on the net cos they are a very effective medium of getting sales.
However, many webmasters and other people in need of articles do not have the time to write them by themselves.For one, managing a site,no matter how small the content is, is an arduos task by itself.
As such,all these businessmen need people to write for them,and get paid for doing so.
This is where you come in ,as a writer .
You write articles for the site owner ,and get your money ----in dollars.
It's that straightforward and simple .
Let me cite a personal example here.When our site was ready to run, I needed articles desperately .However, because of other pressing matters ,I desperately needed to get someone to write an article for me in Nigeria.
I felt that since my site was on a topic related to Nigeria, a Nigerian could do a better job of writing on the topic than a foreigner.
I looked far and near, but there was no one to render such a service !!!!!
Yet, I was being asked to pay fees of between $5 to $50 per article by the people who wanted to do it for me overseas !!!!Well, to save costs ,and cos of the peculiar situation I found myself then, I had to sit down and write the article by myself .
And, I am still writing them by myself till date.Why? Cos hardly can you get Nigerians in this field, who can do this job effectively.
This experience made me to go out and find out why people were not doing this business, important and valid as it was.The feedback showed that very few people in this country had even heard of this type of opportunity before. To many, it didn't exist at all.
That was a revelation to me, and a challenge too, as a netpreneur .

When I discussed this opportunity to a pastor I relate with in our office area, he left all his other line of business, and immediately began to learn these principles in order to put them to use .
According to him,' this package is superb. Peter, you have opened my eyes to a way of making money without disturbing my other duties. And this is very, very real .I wish more people would take advantage of this opportunity .'
Collins Nwanne. Ketu, Lagos 08034148568

And in order to further prove the authenticity of the programme, I did a private presentation to a group of journalists in a reputable newspaper in this country.
They were so shocked to know that such an opportunity existed at all.
And yet ,they were so excited about it .
(So excited were they that they promised to attend our next seminar on this topic ).

I had to sit down, and put all I learned while writing articles together so that more people like you could know how to make money from this opportunity.
Can I earn Money From This, you may ask .
What you earn depends on how informed you are, and your input.But this is not a hit and miss opportunity at all.It is what you can see with your own eyes and know if you will make money or not.You are sure to make money from this without any stress at all.You are sure of the results you will get, and you realise that it is based on your input ---which means that your hard work determines what you make

Now,given what you stand to make,what do you need to start off?
By now, you could be thinking that you need hundreds of dollars to start this off .Or you may think that this opportunity is only for ph.d holders and professors in English .
Well, that is not the case.

The truth is that anyone can get started with this opportunity .!!!!
All You need are :

# a good command of the English language. If you can read and write well, here is your chance.# a thesaurus and a dictionary .(If you don't have these, never mind. I'll show you where to get it online).
# at least one hour a day

If you have all of these, then you can do this business!!
How much Do You Need To Start Off?You need zero capital to start off.
No naira .no kobo .no dollar at all.You just get started, and once you can perform, you will get results ....
As you advance, you may opt for paid services much later on.
But this is one business you can start off with no capital at all.I guaranttee you that.
This brand new manual, which is specially prepared with you in mind, and made practically applicable and useful to any Nigerian shows all the details above and lots more.
The manual also shows you the following in addition:$ how to get started in this business ---all the basics of the business. This will save you lots of trouble and time.

$ How to get or source for jobs at no extra cost to you other than your browsing time.

$ The how's of getting jobs.

$ The do's and don'ts -you wouldn't want to do anything which might get you blacklisted, or make people avoid you or make you lose your reputation.
Those things are listed here for you to learn what to avoid.

$ How to get your money paid to you here in Nigeria.
And lot of details to get you started in this business.
How much then do you have to pay in order to get this life changing information?
By international standards on the internet, it should go for not less than $97.

In the course of my interactions with people who do this business in some parts of the world, I learnt that they charge as much as $497 for this service and related businesses.
If I charged that, how many people would be able to afford it?
Yet, the product is meant to help people to get into online business and make money for themselves.

Or if I look at how much some people charge for seminars that leave people worse off at the end of the day locally in Nigeria, we should charge a fee like 20,000 Naira for this package.
But again, how many of the people that this package is meant to help will be able to afford this amount?

As a result of these and other considerations, we decided to fix the price of this package for the token fee of 5,000 Naira only.
That surely is a small price to pay considering what the package is going to do for you.
And given the value of this package, that price is really a deal you should take advantage of as fast as you can.
However, please note that this price offer is a limited one. And is available for a limited time only.
The price will be reviewed upward soon.
So, it's up to you to quickly make the move that could change your finances and fetch you lots of money in no time.
As usual, you are covered by our Petopat Int'l guarantee.
If this package does not do what we said it would do for you, you are free to return it within 30 days .
To place your order, simply pay in the sum of 5,000 Naira into any branch of OCEANIC BANKS PLC as follows:
Account No.---1190001011473
Name: Omijie Peter
If you wish to get the manual as an e-book,you can add postage as follows:
IFEX /EMS --1500 Naira .
You will get the manual within 48 hours through these services.
If you wish to use Nipost, you can add 500 naira as postage. But note that they have been very unreliable of late, and you are using them at your own risk.
As soon as the payment is made, please send a mail with these details :
your name, address, email address, amount paid, deposit slip number, branch where paid .
Or you can text these details to us on 07030889288
As soon as the money is confirmed, we will ship the manuals to you as requested.
The ball is in your court .It is now up to you to decide to do something to affect your finances positively now.
The choice is yours to make.
Hope to hear from you soon.

Peter Omijie
C.E.O, Petopat Int'l
(Internet Business Consulting, Information Research,Corporate Trainings.)

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